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Agile is ability to react to changing facts: Take part in the Nordic Agile Survey

Published in News, Agile

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October 12, 2020 · 1 min read time

Nitor will be conducting a new Nordic Agile Survey together with the University of Helsinki and Karlstad University.

The test hypothesis of our next Nordic Agile Survey is that agile organizations have made the necessary changes needed in adjusting to global pandemic faster than their rivals. It also seems that the global pandemic has accelerated digitalization and increased the need for adaptability. In order to validate these assumptions, we are conducting a survey together with the University of Helsinki and Karlstad University.

We turn to the Agile community: the real everyday experts of Agile in various organizations.

Nitor has conducted an earlier industrial survey on agile methods and their adoption. In Finland, the previous survey was conducted in 2018, and in Sweden in 2019 – together with the University of Helsinki and the Blekinge Institute of Technology.

The current survey will be looking at:

  • The general opinion on Agile methods

  • The state of agility in Nordic enterprises

  • The future of Agile

This year the survey is being launched simultaneously in Finland and in Sweden - feel welcome to answer it also if you are working in any of the other Nordic countries.

We kindly invite you to take the survey. Completing the questionnaire will take less than 10 minutes of your time!

Please, also leave your contact information if you want to participate in a raffle with the prize of a new Hövding Airbag 3.0.

Take the survey

Thank you in advance for your time!

Petri Kettunen, Tommi Mikkonen, Tomi Männistö (University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science)
Tomas Gustavsson (Karlstad University)
Maarit Laanti, Andreas Tjernsten, Erik Fallenius, Mari Asunmaa (Nitor)

Image: Tuomas Uusheimo / University of Helsinki

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